Kairos is a ministry of passing on the love of God, and Agape plays a
significant role in this endeavor. Agape is the love of God, delivered by
God's people. Every instance of Agape is a tangible example of God's
love, passed on through the family of God. That is why the Edinburgh Kairos Community needs you!
About Kairos
The Edinburgh Kairos Community is a Christian ministry dedicated to building a Christian community inside the Edinburgh Correctional Facility. Twice a year we host a four-day retreat focused on the Gospel message of God’s Love and friendship, His forgiveness, and the building up of the body of Christ, the Church. Weekly on Tuesday we host a prayer & share session form 6p -8p, Reunions in the morning on the last Saturday of the month and 1 day Retreats every 6 months at the Edinburgh Correctional Facility to help encourage the men to continue on their journey to know God's love & friendship.
Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (Kairos) is a Christian faith-based ministry that addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth, and their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives, and impact the world. Kairos sprang from the Cursillo movement and is supported by a diverse group of Christian volunteers working together to fulfill Christ's call to action in Matthew 25:36.